Elaine Blackwood, received her BA in Psychology from Johns Hopkins University and her JD from Syracuse Law School. As an experienced attorney, she has seen many legal entanglements that could have been avoided with proper training and awareness. She recognizes the identifiable link between legal compliance, workplace conduct and business profitability. With an eye towards lessening the likelihood of litigation, Ms. Blackwood takes a proactive approach by providing managers with an overview of employment laws as well as optimum workplace conduct. In furtherance of these goals, Ms. Blackwood:
- Regularly conducts investigations into workplace employment issues.
- Presents training programs can been used to help defend against lawsuits and reduce business liability premiums.
- Provides in depth coaching to employees found to have run afoul of workplace policies or EEO laws.
- Facilitates amicable resolutions of employment disputes.
- Has counseled large corporations, private law firms, educational and health care institutions, and public sector employers.
- Has litigated lawsuits in state & federal courts.
- Has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in litigation matters.